Positive Pay

Positive Pay

Protect your business from fraud with Positive Pay’s Check and ACH verification.

  • This automated online service allows you to verify that you have actually issued the checks that post to your account.
  • Positive Pay users upload check files directly to us.
  • Once the check files have been uploaded, we will compare checks presented for payment each day with your check files within Positive Pay. Any exceptions are available by 7 a.m. each day.
  • You decide about the payment of each check. Simply make payment decisions online by 10:30 a.m. each day.
  • Ready to win the fight against fraud? Learn more about Fraud Prevention.

Positive Pay is a web-based service that can help you detect check fraud by uploading your check files and verifying any payment exceptions daily.


  • Increased Protection Against Fraud Daily checking your exceptions report allows you to make immediate payment decisions on potential check fraud.
  • Streamlined Efficiency and Ease Positive Pay is an automated Business Banking Service, providing instant access to questionable check transactions.
  • Reduced Business Expenses Losing money is costly for a business. Positive Pay helps reduce costs that may result from fraudulent checks.


  • This automated online service allows you to verify that you have actually issued the checks that post to your account.
  • Positive Pay users upload check files directly to us.
  • Once the check files have been uploaded, we will compare checks presented for payment each day with your check files within Positive Pay. Any exceptions are available by 7 a.m. each day.
  • You decide about the payment of each check. Simply make payment decisions online by 10:30 a.m. each day.

Learn more about Fraud Prevention.

Ready to win the fight against fraud?

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